Broken Screw on Implant Retained Bridge

This question was asked by a reader:  “I have a screw retained bridge on implants and a screw broke. What can you do?”

The removal of a broken screw from inside a dental implant can be unpredictable at best.  If the broken fragment is loose, it can be relatively easy to remove, but if the threads are damaged or a thread locking material was used, it can be extremely difficult to impossible to do.

Below is a short video of the procedure done by Dr. Boudet through a surgical microscope.

The ability to retrieve the broken screw from inside the implant without damaging the threads, can make the difference between a simpler implant retained bridge repair and an expensive remake of the case.

I hope you find this informative.  Below is my contact information if you have any questions.

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Can I Get A Mini Implant To Replace My Premolar?

  Question: Can I Get A Mini Implant To Replace My Premolar? Answer: If you need to place the implant the same day that you take the premolar out, the answer is No, you cannot.  You can fit five or more mini implants in the extraction socket left by the extraction of a premolar. If you want to replace a single tooth with a mini implant, it should only be done when…

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